Executive Interim Management

Assignment analysis essential for success

We mainly focus on the high end of the market of executive interim management, interim management board and interim board member. This is our strength, and this is where our network of well over 800 interim managers has been active for many years.

We provide management solutions for companies and (public) institutions that are looking for temporary enhancement at management board and senior management levels.

The assignment is decisive. The emphasis during the intake interview with the client is on four subjects:

  1. Reasons and background of the question;
  2. The desired result;
  3. A specific assignment description, which we want to put down in writing;
  4. The related profile with competences of the interim manager to be selected.

After the interview, in many cases within one day, you receive a comprehensive intake report, which includes everything discussed and all arrangements made. This is our pre-investment in a successful operation.

Quotation within three to five days – or even sooner
The process of looking for and selecting suitable candidates (Who are we looking for?) and drawing up a quotation takes three to five working days. We provide a detailed explanation with respect to the candidates, allowing you to make a well-considered choice of the person(s) you want to invite for an introductory interview. If this is not quick enough, we adjust the procedure to your deadline.

After the choice has been made, we will ensure that further (administrative) handling is taken care of. The chosen candidate can get started for you as soon as possible.

A network of 800 interim managers
We work in close collaboration with over 800 interim managers, who we know personally and who meet our demands. A splendid circumstance that enables us to offer you a representative selection of candidates.

We always opt for a professional, personal approach. Our counsellors have many years’ experience in the industries and sectors we work for. We advise clients on how to perform and approach the assignment, and we coach the interim manager in the execution of the assignment.

In other words, InterExcellent does not stop at placing the interim manager. We remain responsible for the assignment and therefore continue to be accountable until the assignment ends.

Further information
Whether your question concerns executive interim management, an interim management board or an interim manager, we are convinced we have the perfect response. With our extensive experience and network and our impressive list of references we have a management solution that is tailored to any question you may have. Ask us to call you back for an appointment, or contact us yourself.

For more information about Executive Interim Management, please contact Geert-Jan Poorthuis.

Geert-Jan Poorthuis

Drs. Geert-Jan Poorthuis

Managing Partner
Send an email or call +31 (0) 35 5280430